Jul 19
Bid ended


Tupelo, MS (T-NR-E)


Bidding Closed

Bid Date7/19/24 9:30am

Company & Contacts

Tupelo Public School District
Kaci Cates  

The Tupelo Public School District wishes to secure sealed bids for Desktop Computers. Please return your signed bid to us as soon as possible or by July 19, 2024 no later than 9:30 A.M. Sealed bid must arrive by 9:30 A.M. on Friday, July 19, 2024: MAILING ADDRESS: DELIVERY ADDRESS: ELECTRONICALLY: Mrs. Kaci Cates Mrs. Kaci Cates www.tpsdbids.com Tupelo Public School District Tupelo Public School District PO Box 557 445 N Church St. Tupelo, MS 38802 Tupelo, MS 38804 Detailed specifications and bid requirements are attached. Each bidder shall provide detailed information about the products bid. Failure to provide documentation could cause the bid to be disqualified. The Tupelo Public School District shall make the final determination of “meeting specifications” in awarding this bid. All pages are required and must be signed with the following information on the sealed envelope: “SEALED BID #BD 2441 DESKTOP COMPUTERS” Name of Company Bidding DUE: July 19, 2024 by 9:30 A.M. We reserve the right to reject any or all bids submitted. Bids will be awarded as lowest and best bid as found to be in the best interest of Tupelo Public School District. The District reserves the right to waive bid informalities, as it deems appropriate.